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Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Start a Sugar Free Diet for Weight Loss

Sugar isn't just bad for your body; it's bad for weight loss as well.
If you are trying to slim down, the first thing you need to do is gain control of your diet.
Sugar is addictive, fattening and causes your body to store fat as well.
With all of the negatives of eating this, why not cut it out of your diet completely?
It is going to be hard at first, but it will get easier as time goes on.
There are a lot of sweet alternatives you can use and great recipes that don't use sugar either.
By exploring what is out there and starting a new diet you will be healthier, more energetic and slimmer!
Not to mention you will feel better since you won't be addicted to this sweetening agent any longer.
In order to get started with a sugar-free diet, learn the facts!
Foods you Should Avoid
There are a lot of foods you will not be able to eat when you switch to this way of life.
In the beginning you will probably suffer the most, but that is just because your body is not getting what it's addicted to.
After a few days or a week you will feel better and start to enjoy eating healthier foods.
Foods you should avoid include:
- Candy (pie, cake, cookies, etc.)
- Bread (bagels, muffins, donuts, etc.)
- Sugar
- Pasta
- Rice
- Chips
- Soda
Of course this list goes on and on since you can find sugar in pretty much everything you eat.
You will probably need to clean out your fridge, freezer and pantry in order to get a fresh start.
Always read through labels to see if there is sugar in something, don't be fooled by things that look healthy.
Even salad dressings and lunch meats have hidden sweeteners inside of them!
Foods you Should Eat
Since the foods you have to avoid are out of the way, what about the foods you can eat?
Make a shopping list so you can stock up your pantry with healthy items.
With these in your home you will be less tempted to go out and eat or order something unhealthy.
Foods you can eat include:
- Lean meats
- Eggs
- Nuts
- Milk (yogurt without sugar, sour cream, cottage cheese)
- Whole grains
- Sweet potatoes
- Green bananas
- Artificial sweeteners
There are a lot of other foods you can eat, just make sure to read labels.
If sugar is added and not natural, don't eat it. Once you start shopping for sugar-free foods you will be able to pick them out a lot more easily.
How to Survive
If you're wondering how you're going to survive on this diet, don't worry.
There are thousands of recipes online that taste great and are healthy.
Use spices, herbs and oils to flavor your foods instead of sugars.
These taste great, are low in calories and will give your food a natural flavor that can't be beat.
When you are in need of something sweet, use artificial sweeteners.
Even honey or agave nectar work extremely well for making foods taste delicious.
Tywon Mooreson runs http://www.superior-diet-systems.com/ - his mission is to inform the public of weight loss methods that really do work.
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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Carbs, Bad Or Good For Losing Weight?

Most beginners get totally lost when it comes to carbohydrates. They are not sure whether they should cut them or keep them in order to maximize their weight-loss goals. It goes hand in hand to state that when you go on a diet, it means that you will be eating little to no carbs. However, what these people don't understand is that, while lowering the consumption of carbs is necessary when getting lean, the amount they end up cutting is way too much. It's astounding how many of my clients will come to me and ask how many carbs can they eat. To be absolutely honest with you, the answer would be to eat as many as you can while still managing to lose fat. How much is that? Well the answer is different for every person and you will need to find that sweet spot for yourself. The carb intake levels can be dramatically different from person to person; therefore, it is very difficult to give an exact number for everyone.
People are so fundamentally different that even if they were the same age, weight, height, and on the same training program, their nutritional approaches would vary significantly. Depending on their genetics and the way their body responds to certain exercises and foods varies greatly in terms of how they will look and feel in the end. How does this translate into carbs? Well some people can get lean and shredded from dieting on 50 - 100g of carbs while other can still get shredded on double that amount. However, one thing that remains constant is that, many beginners tend to cut their carb levels too short and suffer for it in the gym. What happens if you haven't had enough carbs is that you will begin to feel fatigued and drained. You will begin a workout feeling pumped and ready to lift some iron but shortly afterwards you will start feeling tired, dizzy, and drained, and the entire workout begins to slow down. In addition, what often happens with beginners, is that they notice extreme loses of weight in the beginning but begin to plateau after the first month. The reason for this is, you begin to run on empty fuel tanks. Think of carbs as fuel for your body, you need a certain amount for your body to run smoothly and if you don't give it that amount, it crashes, and it crashes HARD.
So remember, do your research before starting that cutting stage. Calculate the approximate amount of carbohydrates you will need to fuel your body through those intense workouts. Give it what it needs and it will perform spectacularly for you.
For more information on how to lose weight and pack on serious muscle visit, http://www.toronto-personal-training.com.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Does HCG Diet work for everyone? : A Public Question

By Many Buther

Does HCG diet work? Lots of people around the world are asking this sort of question in the internet everyday. Many people around the world are suffering from overweight problems and obesity issues. They often experience this kind of problems because they are often very busy aided by the important things that they are doing in their whole life. Today, almost everyone is experiencing this sort of issues and problems, mostly the people inside the United States.
If you are one of the persons suffering from these problems, you should consider using and doing the HCG diet plan that is being provided by lots of specialist and doctors worldwide. But, some people wonder if this kind of diet plan really works. Nowadays, its very hard to find a effective and safe diet plan, some diet plans are very expensive and tiring to do, but if you try the HCG diet plan, you will surly know the answer to the questions that are bothering the people about the HCG diet plan.

HCG diet plan is proven by lots of experts and specialist in relation to weight loss problems and issues. The HCG diet plan supplements which are being given to the patients and people suffering from overweight are all natural and shown to be very safe and effective. A few of the ingredients that this diet plan contains may some chemical contents, but experts have tested them to be very safe and do not have bad side effects.

Several of the other diet plan supplements that are being sold and manufactured by other brands have side effects which are very irritating, sometimes they can produce allergies and other bad side effects such as itching, but if you may use the HCG diet plan, you are going to never experience these kinds of problems that are very irritating. You certainly will also have the ability to save allot of capital because as a consequence of the effectiveness of the HCG diet plan, you will definitely no long need to expend expensive payments when you need to buy more of the diet supplements that you usually take before you used the HCG diet plan.

Lots of people also ask and wonder how does HCG diet work? HCG is a hormone that will be produced inside the body of a pregnant female human, that is effective both for male and females. HGC will have effects on a person hypothalamus and signals the body of a specific person to release the abnormal fats that are stored into the blood streams that can make it available for the whole body of a particular person and use is as nourishment. As a consequence of the caloric intake and the blend of the HCG injection or tablet with a person body, your body will be forced to use the fats and mobilize them into the blood streams. This means that the fats which are going to be released in your blood streams are usually from the stubborn areas which are very fatty and needs to get rid of some fats. So this also means that the solution to Does HCG diet work is yes it can.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

No time to exercise? Try 10-minute workouts

By Dorene Internicola , Reuters

NEW YORK — The procrastinators, the super-busy, and the easily bored in pursuit of a manageable fitness routine may find what they seek in the 10-minute workout.
Experts say what these short bursts of activity, sometimes called exercise snacking, lack in duration they can make up for in intensity. 
"You can get a good enough workout that can make real metabolic changes to your body," said Liz Neporent, co-author of "The Thin in 10 Weight-Loss Plan" along with fitness instructor Jessica Smith.

"It can help you lose weight, reduce stress and basically give you all the benefits that we know come from exercise."

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that most adults to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week.
But multiple shorter sessions of at least 10 minutes are acceptable and even people unable to meet the minimums still benefit from some activity, according to ACSM.
Neporent, who writes on health and fitness, said mainstream science is finding that if you increase intensity you can decrease time.

That approach can work for a lot of people, she said, because poll after poll has shown that the number one objection to not getting a workout in is time.

"The typical recommendation is to do 30 minutes, so if we told you that you could do 10 minutes at a time, you might actually have a better shot at getting it done," she said.

To make the most of 10 minutes, Neporent and Smith favor a hybrid of cardio and strength exercises.
"You want to get in something that's heart-healthy, and something that's good for your muscles and bones," Neporent said. "A lot of our workouts (in the book) tend to be circuit-weighted to maximize time."
They also promote the 10-minute walk; the meal plan section extends the theme with recipes that take 10 minutes or less to prepare.

Amy Dixon, creator of the "Give Me 10" DVD series of 10-minute workouts, said studies show shorter, but more consistent, workouts can yield dramatic results.
"If I had 10 minutes I would do fairly intense strength training, total body workouts with dumbbells or kettle bells interspersed with cardio intervals like jumping jacks," said Dixon, who is Group Fitness Manager at an Equinox fitness center in Santa Monica, Calif.
She's seen too many people spend 60 minutes just going through the motions of a cardiovascular workout.
"If you're reading a magazine," she said, "you're not working out."

Dr. Carl Foster, a professor in the exercise and sports science department at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, said there are unique advantages to high-intensity training for the young and the fit.
"There are things you gain that you can't get from low-intensity workouts because you're using muscle fibers that are sedentary in a walk," he said.

For the middle-aged or older, high-intensity exercise has its perils.
"Somewhere around age 45 for men and 55 for women, you worry about the dark side of exercise," he said.
"Studies are clear that when people have catastrophes, such as heart attacks, they are almost always related to inappropriately high-intensity exercise."

Sometimes high-intensity routines are just too uncomfortable to be habit-forming, he said.
"Yes it can be done. You can do the work in 10 minutes but then it takes you 40 minutes to recover."
Foster predicts the focus on high-intensity interval training will wane.

"It will be like seasoning in food: you want to feel like an athlete, so let's do some of it in the middle of the workout," he said.

Before you leap into high-intensity training, he urges, be sure to have at least six months of normal training behind you. Then gradually add five or 10 seconds that are a little harder.
The biggest risk is that people who've been sedentary will suddenly decide to get in shape with high-intensity training.

"For middle-aged and older people, high-intensity training can be a trap that leads to health problems," Foster said.
"The people who are moderately active on a routine basis are the people who don't get heart attacks."

Article source : http://todayhealth.today.com/

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Ask the Diet Doctor: The Truth About Aloe Vera Juice

Q: What are the benefits of drinking aloe vera juice?

A: If you do a Google search for ‘aloe vera juice’ you’ll quickly conclude that drinking aloe vera juice is the ultimate healthy habit, as it seemingly aids in weight loss, digestion, immune function, and even ‘easing general discomfort’. But when you look beyond the first 40+ search results (all of the sites that list the amazing benefits of aloe vera juice just before they sell you an ongoing monthly supply), it’s a different, more accurate story.
What is interesting about aloe vera juice is that despite the huge marketing push to educate people on its benefits, there is very little scientific data to support its use in humans. What’s more, some of the toxicity research done in animals is alarming.

Information regarding aloe vera’s use dates back nearly 5,000 years to early Egyptian times. It has since been used both topically and orally. Aloe vera gel, found when you break open the green leafyskin, is often used topically to treat burns, abrasions, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. Aloe vera juice, primarily produced from the green outer leaf, was used as a main component in many over-the-counter laxatives until 2002, when the FDA pulled them from drugstore shelves due to insufficient information regarding their safety.

Safety concerns about drinking aloe vera juice have continued to grow after the release of the findings from a 2 year study by the National Toxicology Program (you can read a summary here). According to this study, when researchers gave rats whole-leave extract of aloe vera juice, there was ‘clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in male and female rats, based on tumors of the large intestine.’

But before you go telling people that aloe vera causes cancer, there are a couple things to consider:

1. This study was done in animals. We don’t know what would happen in humans, but these negative results should be enough to make you proceed with caution until more information is available.

2. Consider what kind of aloe vera was used in this study. The researchers used non-decolorized, whole-leaf aloe vera extract. The way aloe vera is processed can impact the different compounds found in the plant and thus the impact on your body. For example, when manufacturers decolorize aloe vera leaf (a process in which the aloe vera is passed through a charcoal filter), the components that give aloe vera its laxative properties, the anthraquinones, are removed. One specific anthraquinone called Aloin is thought to be the driving force behind tumor development in the animal study.

But it's not all bad news for aloe vera juice. In a 2004 study from the U.K., researchers gave people with active ulcerative colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease, aloe vera gel to drink (remember that in the animal study, they used aloe vera juice, not gel). After four weeks of drinking aloe vera gel in water twice per day, there was a clinical response towards improvement and remission of ulcerative colitis, compared to those given plain water. No significant negative side effects were experienced due to drinking the aloe vera gel.

As you can see, the aloe vera story is not as clear cut as many drink labels want you to believe. My personal recommendation is that you should wait for more human research to show that aloe vera provides significant health benefits without negative side effects. If you do choose to drink aloe vera at this time, check with your doctor first, and then make sure that whatever product you use does not contain Aloin.

Article source : http://www.shape.com/weight-loss/food-weight-loss/ask-diet-doctor-truth-about-aloe-vera-juice

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Obesity Surgery Options

The demand for obesity surgery has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade, thanks to the explosive increase in morbid obesity rate.
Obesity is a leading public health concern today and it is not only overeating and lack of exercise that promotes obesity, our modern lifestyle is equally responsible for fuelling the phenomenon, which further elevates an obese individual's risk for heart disease, diabetes and premature mortality.
Worldwide obesity rate inches upward, so do the demand for surgical weight loss options. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity has more than doubled since 1980, with more than 1 billion adults around the world are now overweight, and at least 300 million of them are clinically obese.
Over the course of past few years, obesity surgery has grown in popularity, thanks to the vast advancements in surgery techniques and development of new surgical instruments. By some estimates, approximately 100,000 severely obese people in the United States go under the bariatrician's knife every year to get rid of those oodles of extra fat around their midsection.
Obesity surgery is the most effective treatment for chronically obese people. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has recommended obesity surgery for people with a body mass index (BMI) of at least 40 or who have a BMI of 35 with serious obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea.
Obesity surgery comes under the category of bariatric surgery which is further classified as restrictive procedures, malabsorptive procedures and combined restrictive/malabsorptive procedures. Each of these procedures has several variations.
Restrictive Surgery Options
Restrictive Procedures- As the name implies, these surgical procedures restrict the food intake by making the stomach smaller. Following the restrictive surgery, a person feels fully satisfied even after consuming less food.
The much more commonly performed restrictive surgeries include Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB), the Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band (LAGB) also known as the Laparoscopic Band or Lap Band for short, Vertical Banded Gastroplasty more commonly known as Stomach Stapling, Gastric Sleeve surgery, and the Gastric Balloon.
Malabsorptive Procedures- The surgeries in this category are done on the stomach and/or intestines to alter the normal digestive process, which results in considerable weight loss. The main type of obesity surgery in this category is Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD). Purely malabsorptive surgeries are no longer done because of quite high risks of malnutrition.
Restrictive and Malabsorptive Procedures- When used in combination, these procedures limit the absorption of proteins, calories and other nutrients by stomach, while also making the stomach smaller. Long limb or Distal Gastric Bypass and Duodenal Switch are the two most common surgical interventions for morbid obesity in this category.
Of all types of obesity surgery, Open Gastric Bypass (combination of restrictive and malabsorptive procedures), Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass (combination of restrictive and malabsorptive procedures) and Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding - Lap Band (restrictive procedure) are by far the most sought after surgical options by morbidly obese people.
While a variety of surgical procedures for morbid obesity are available, gastric bypass surgery is the most commonly used procedure. Gastric bypass surgery can be further categorized in three main types - Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RGB), Mini-Gastric Bypass Surgery and Extensive gastric bypass (biliopancreatic diversion). According to the American Society for Bariatric Surgery (ASBS), an estimated 140,000 gastric bypass surgeries are carried out every year in the United States.
If you are dangerously overweight and have failed to shed those extra pounds through conventional approaches, such as diet and exercise, or if you are suffering from serious health problems caused by your massive body fat, then obesity surgery may be the only option for you.
For a number of people who've failed to lose weight through orthodox methods, getting Lap Band in India is quite helpful. Americans can pursue any kind of obesity surgery right in the US. US people with weight issues can get gastric sleeve and Gastric Band in Las Vegas.
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Are You Ready for Weight Loss Surgery?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Weight Loss Can Happen Easily When You Choose The Right System For Losing Weight

If you find the right weight loss program, you will have success, but if you pick the wrong one, you will probably fail. The better weight loss programs combine an exercise program with a diet, rather than having only one of them. It may be a strict formal plan, or a more casual program that you create for yourself. There are different ways that this article will discuss, for helping you reach your goals for losing weight, by creating or finding the right program.
Promotions for weight loss programs often make the whole process sound fast and effortless. Before you order such a program, you should do some critical thinking. Keep in mind that losing weight is a matter of some basic biological facts. If a someone claims you can lose weight without calorie restriction or strenuous exercise, they are probably lying. The type of diet where people can lose weight fast is hardly effortless (or safe) -these are extremely low calorie type diets. It's impossible to stick with such a diet for very long, and then you'll gain back the weight (and maybe even more). You will have more success by gradually losing weight and changing your lifestyle rather than alternating between fast weight loss and binging.

All diets have rules, but some of these are more strict than others. Believe it or not, there are legitimate diets that don't forbid any foods. Of course, this doesn't mean you can eat as much as you want of these foods.

While you will still have to modify your eating habits, at least you don't have to put a big X through certain foods. There are many different types of diets, but some of them are quite restrictive with their list of "foods to avoid." This is not easy advice to follow, as it probably means giving up some of your favorite foods. Diets that say you can eat a little bit of almost anything at least give you a little breathing room. People often stick with rigid diets for a certain amount of time and then find that they have to give them up.

There are many types of weight loss programs, and we've looked at some of the points to consider when comparing them. The amount of dedication you put into the program will largely determine the results you achieve. Doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers and other professionals can also be of assistance when you are trying to select the right weight loss solution. Then, once you choose a program, commit yourself to it until you start seeing results!

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Rapid Weight Loss With The HCG Diet Plan Food List

The benefits of a person trimming down outweigh the consequences of them being a little thick or chubby. The less body fat a person has to carry around, the less likely they are to develop diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and elevated blood sugar levels. Left unattended, these illnesses can become dangerous and require medication. By adopting the HCG diet plan food list, a person will not just get results but visible results fast.
Go online or read any magazine and anyone can find testimonials that claim a person can lose up to 30 pounds in one month. That is if the diet is followed precisely and it would not hurt to have the advice of a general practitioner as to whether this is recommended for an individual. Though many use the HCG drops with rapid and safe results, this is just a precaution for anyone with an existing medical condition.

One of the reasons is the reduction of caloric intake. Most caloric intake for adults can range from 500-800 calories per day. The diet plan is a strong advocate for lean meats such as beef and chicken. Fish and certain seafood are permitted but others, such as salmon and tuna are forbidden.

This also encourages eating fresh fruits and vegetables that are not starchy but high in fiber. By eating these foods on a daily basis with water or coffee, a person can see results in little time. If a person likes to drink unsweetened tea or chooses to have it sweetened, they can try an artificial sweetener. Milk is limited to one tablespoon a day.

This plan also encourages that a person have a light snack or two. This can be a small piece of fruit or a breadstick. Melba toast is also a great choice as they are small and can provide fiber. Having plenty of fiber is important to achieve a full feeling that is sometimes missing from most reduced calorie diets.

Though some may find that this weight loss plan may not leave much of choice in eating, this is where having a licensed professional can be of assistance. When a person goes online, they may find many great ideas and substitutions such as eggs in place of meats. However, someone that is very familiar with human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, can give advice as to when a person should stop or start as well as foods to include.

Artificial sweeteners such as Stevia and sugar substitute may be used. However, salt is eliminated but dried or fresh herbs and lemon juice make an excellent seasoning for meat and vegetables. Butter and oils are not to be used at all during this time.

While this diet plan may seem restrictive and tough, remember that it includes many nutrients that every human body needs to survive. And the end results of noticeable weight loss, increased energy and better outlook on life cannot be underestimated. Get more information about the HCG diet plan food list and see how you can make a difference.

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Check out a complete summary about the HCG diet drops and food plan.Take note about this healthy diet method and the health benefits, right away.

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HCG Diet Plan: The Best Technique to Lose Weight

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Aerobics For Weight Loss

The recipe to longevity and all round vitality has two very important ingredients, they are diet AND exercise. It is all good and well to want to lose weight. Yet what most people do not realize is that when you free yourself of the excess weight, you need to do toning exercises as to prevent saggy skin and firm up your muscles.

When you exercise you burn calories and when you eat you provide your body with the fuel needed to function effectively. So... if you stick to rule of burning more calories than you consume then weight loss becomes inevitable and toning exercises become a necessity.

An important fact to remember when you do toning exercises is that muscle weighs more than fat therefore you should not put too much faith in your scale. In fact, it will probably be best if you stop weighing yourself all together. A scale will give the wrong impression about your weight loss efforts because you will be losing centimeters. Even though you may not be showing much improvement on the scale, does not mean it is not working and should take your measurements at your waist with a tape measure for a more accurate assessment. Remember to measure your fitness by how you feel after climbing stairs instead of how much you weigh.

Aerobics is a form of exercise that is notably affective as a toning exercise tool because it is sweat inducing cardio workout that gets your heart pumping. Aerobics helps burn those calories and firm up those flabby bits. The relentless movements without pause to attain the adrenaline required to increase your heart rate, is sheer exhilaration. Enjoyment is the added benefit to this form of toning exercises and your body learns endurance.

Aerobics helps your fitness levels by strengthening your heart as well as your lungs and tightens muscles making them leaner. It also works your whole body, targeting every muscle through continuous movements and actions. Strengthening as well as toning. Challenging your body by pushing it to the max is an important and fundamental key to achieving weight loss. Remember once you reach that plateau meaning, when you stop seeing results, it means your body is in its comfort zone and needs to switch to a new endurance level. Signifying a change in toning exercises is needed.

There are many forms of aerobics that suit each individual specifically by fitness level so it is important to research which ones are safe for you. Seeking a professional opinion is advised if there are any health issues to be concerned about. These professionals will be able to help choose a good workout program suited just for you and allay any concerns you may have about any type of toning exercises you would like to try.

Toning exercises are hard work. Remember confidence to wear whatever you want and having the feeling of actually liking what you see in the mirror is definitely worth it.

Eat five small meals a day and drink eight glasses of water daily. Again, an important point to remember for fitness sake is that it is not about how much time you spend burning calories but how much you can challenge yourself. Your muscles need to burn more calories for hours after your workout and your energy levels need to sustain you through out your day.

For more information on weight loss visit Healthy Ways To Weightloss
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carl_Gallant

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HCG Diet Plan: The Best Technique to Lose Weight

The HCG diet plan is considered to be the most effective weight reduction treatments that the people can create when they have weight problems and issues. Nowadays, lots of people often experience overweight problems and issues as they are too busy and focused on other matters and things in their lives. The main cause among these overweight problems is basically because of the too much intake of fast food products and other types of junk food that are much easier and faster to eat. Sometimes, some people don'™t bother anymore eating the right meal because they are very occupied by their jobs and work daily. If your one of the persons suffering with this sort of overweight problems and issues, you will want to consider using or doing the HCG diet plan, that will be known to be an effective option to reduce some pounds and weight.
Weight problems are very irritating and troublesome, that's why many people around the world experiencing this sort of problems look for different ways and solutions that they can do if you wish to solve these kinds of problems that these are typically facing in their life. The HCG diet plan is referred to as a weight doctor that is a very safe way to achieve the extreme weight reduction outcome or result today. In this weight loss process, the people trying to get rid of weight will not experience starvation and surgeries which are very uncomfortable. The individuals who is going to be doing the HCG diet plan will see result immediately and will notice that this weight loss treatment is very fast an effective.

The HCG diet plan is a simple medical supervised weight loss program that will allow you to lose and have the weight that you want in a very fast and amazing pace, and the great benefit of this weight loss diet plan is the fact that you will no longer experience getting hungry and weak. The medication or supplements which are being taken in a HCG diet plan are all natural and safe. Some people say that this diet plan is a stimulant, but its not, it is made of natural ingredients which are very known and effective as a weight reduction ingredients.

The HCG diet plan program will start from a getting or taking a sublingual tablet or infections that will mark the start of the special diet plan, but don't worry because all among these tablets and the substances which are used in the injections are made of natural ingredients. This really is also a great ways that you will definitely be able to lose a couple of weight without feeling hungry or getting very weak.

Sometimes some people experience that they might be becoming very weak because they don't eat enough cause of the diet plans that they doing. But, the HCG diet plan is far much better than the other diet plans which are being given and done by quite a few people around the entire world. The HCG diet plan is a very safe and effective diet plan that has recently been done by lots of people worldwide; it offers already been proven to be very effective.

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To know more about Weight Loss and hCGDietPlanLive.com visit our website http://www.HCGDietPlanLive.com

How and When Did Obesity Become an Issue?

The fact that obesity statistics have never been higher has raised a substantial amount of awareness and concern in regards to this issue. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just over one-third of U.S. adults, about 97 million, are obese. This number is expected to rise to 42% by the year 2030, however some forecasters have predicted the number could easily be over fifty percent. This is a frightening projection not only for the health of the nation, but in addition to the expense to cover ailments associated with obesity such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea, and more.
As the Associated Press states, "The number of obese Americans soared during the 1980's and 1990's, doubling among adults in the U.S. and tripling among children. Sedentary lifestyles and changes in eating habits have contributed to weight gain, as more Americans work at desk jobs, use electronic devices and get served increasingly larger portions at restaurants."
Obesity Numbers Continue to Rise, Why is That So?
Lifestyles of the majority of individuals changed with the development of new electronic gadgets for use in the household such as televisions, computers and gaming systems. People now found a reason to stay indoors glued to the chair, sofa, or bed. Now when faced with the decision to go outside and be active, or stay home and watch a new hit movie or play video games, the latter option has been chosen more frequently than ever before.
In addition to the distractions new technologies have provided, a staggering number of fast food restaurants have popped up across the globe over the past few decades that for the most part have not offered the healthiest of choices. Granted the obesity epidemic cannot be blamed entirely on these food establishments, there are certain arguments that can be made especially when statistics show that about 44% of Americans claim to eat fast food at least once a week.
Portion Sizes at Restaurants Have Also Increased Which Means A Lot More Calories
Another factor to take into account is the larger portion sizes with most items purchased when dining out. Not only will you find the sizes of meals at restaurants and fast food spots have grown quite large over the years, but even items purchased from convenience stores and supermarkets have increased. A muffin which used to be the size of a baseball, is now the size of a softball. A Big Gulp soda from the popular store 7-11 used to be 32 ounces, now they offer a hefty 44 ounce Super Big Gulp and even a Double Gulp that has a staggering 64 ounces of sugary liquid.
This holds true for fast food restaurants also. When McDonald's first introduced soda beverages in 1955, the only size offered was a 7 oz. cup. Now it is not uncommon to find 32 oz. options which means an increase of about 300 calories and worse yet at least 80 more grams of sugar.
The only way to effectively combat the obesity epidemic is to make changes in what is eaten and incorporating some form of exercise. When focus is placed on what will be beneficial for the body, then better decisions will be made to help ensure healthy nutrition is received regularly. When these decisions are upheld on a consistent basis, then a well balanced lifestyle will be the result.
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Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has now embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! See what's happening at http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and healthy eating. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with an 18 page weight loss guide athttp://healthychoicesinlife.com/couch.
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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Eating Rice For A Healthy Weight Loss

Healthy weight loss can really help you in staying fit and healthy. However, you really need to work hard and eat the right food items in order to lose weight in a healthy way. I must tell you that eating rice for a healthy weight loss is an excellent idea that you need to consider. You need to understand one thing eating rice along won't help you lose quick weight. Eating the right type of rice is very important if you want to enhance your energy level. Whole - grain rice is a compound carbohydrate that satisfies you more than the usual white rice. Your body takes a longer period of time to digest this rice and therefore a feeling of fullness is experienced.
White rice is regarded as a refined carbohydrate that is burned off pretty quickly. You should always check the ingredients before your purchase rice from the market. Now, let us talk about how to eat rice for a healthy weight loss. You need to follow all the tips given below carefully.
1. First of all, you need to substitute white rice with whole - grain rice. You can check the rice package carefully in order to make sure the rice contains appropriate nutrients such as fiber.
2. You need to comprise in at least 6 servings of rice in your regular calorie consumption. A ½ cup of rice is equal to 1 serving.
3. Now, you need to add some herbs and olive oil to season your rice properly. Well, herbs don't contain sodium, and olive oil is a healthy monounsaturated fatty acid. It is a great type of fat source that could help you remain healthy. You got to avoid sauces, butter or margarine, as they often comprise in saturated preservatives and fat that further contributes to weight gain.
4. At last, you need to make sure that you exercise on a regular basis. At least, 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercises are a must for maintaining a healthy heart rate and a steady weight. Several activities such as jogging, brisk walking, aerobic exercises and swimming can definitely help you in losing weight in a healthy way.
So, we can easily say that rice is a great food item that could help you in losing quick weight. You need to buy good quality rice from the market as one should never compromise on the quality of such food items. You should also consult a doctor before consuming rice on a regular basis. Stay fit and healthy!
Are you fond of eating? Do you find it difficult to control your urge to eat? If yes, then you can burn your fat while eating. Weight Loss Diet plans can help you in reducing the dimensions of your belly bloat in a healthy manner.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

3 Week Weight Loss Detox Program

Detox, short for detoxification, is the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. Although a detox program is primarily thought of as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence, the term is also used to refer to diets, herbs, and other methods of removing environmental and dietary toxins from the body for general health and for weight loss.

This is a sample 3 week detox diet plan that is thought to support detoxification and weight loss by increasing elimination from the body, cleansing the colon, enhancing circulation to clear toxic substances, eliminating foods from the diet that require detoxification or are allergenic, and providing nutrients to support and protect the liver, the main organ involved in detoxification.
Benefits of a detox program includes weight loss.It is recommended to be followed for 3 weeks.
After 3 weeks,generally, people often feel improved energy,lose weight much quicker, clearer skin, regular bowel movements, improved digestion, and increased concentration and clarity. Improvement can also be assessed by measuring markers of disease and laboratory tests.
Here are the foods to eat when doing a 3 week weight loss detox program:
Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vegetables
All fresh fruits and vegetables are good for detox,for health and for any weight loss program.
Great detox foods include broccoli, cauliflower, broccoli sprouts, onions, garlic, artichokes, beets, red and green vegetables.
Brown or basmati rice, rice cakes, rice crackers and rice pasta.
-Other Grains
Quinoa, amaranth, millet, and buckwheat can be used instead of rice. They can be purchased at a health food store.
Split yellow and green peas and lentils are easiest to digest and require the least soaking time. Other acceptable legumes include kidney beans, pinto beans, mung beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas) and adzuki beans.
-Nuts and Seeds
Unsalted nuts, seeds and nut butters can be sprinkled over any meal. Includes flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews and walnuts. Avoid peanuts.
Extra-virgin olive oil it's the best for weight loss and detoxification.
-Herbal Tea
Herbal non-caffeinated teas, green tea,helps the liver and sustaines detoxification.
Other detox Beverages,also good for weight loss
Water, lemon water, 100% natural fruit and vegetable juices, rice milk
Here are the foods that you must avoid,for health,weight loss and detox,especially when following a program(diet and/or exercise):
Refined sugar and mixtures containing refined sugar, including sucrose, dextrose, corn syrup, brown sugar, turbinado. Avoid artificial sweeteners.
-Fatty Dairy Products
Milk, eggs, butter and other dairy products.
Wheat and products containing wheat.
All gluten-containing grains, including barley, rye, spelt and kamut. Some people are sensitive to gluten, a protein fragment in these grains.
Coffee, both regular and decaffeinated, black tea, and other drinks containing caffeine should be reduced. Green tea is a great substitute to regular coffee.
-Other Foods to Avoid
Food additives and preservatives
High-Fat Foods
Daily must do's when following a weight loss and detoxification program:
Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day, warm or room temperature. Water is essential to clear waste from the blood. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger.
Do not drink liquids around mealtime.
Dilute fruit juice with 50% water.
Take the time to chew food well, especially grains.
Alberta McKain is nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" she decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website [http://www.loseweightfast.999answers.com], containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.
Visiting the website will help you make a wise decision. www.LoseWeightFast.999answers.com [http://www.loseweightfast.999answers.com]
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More articles in the same section:

DIY Detox - How to Cleanse Yourself for Health, Energy and Vitality

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Simple Day's Menu

Eating three regularly scheduled meals a day is another part of a healthy diet —a healthy breakfast, a healthy lunch and a healthy dinner every day.
While we know that this isn't always easy, we also know that eating on a schedule will help you avoid between-meal hunger, which often leads to overeating at the next meal.
Here's a 1400-calorie sample one-day menu to use as a guide:

1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup fruit cocktail in juice
1 cup plain low-fat yogurt mixed with fruit

2 slices light whole wheat bread
2 oz turkey ham and 1 oz low-fat cheese
1/8 avocado, sliced
alfalfa sprouts
1 tsp mayonnaise
1/2 cup baby carrots
2 Tbsp nonfat dressing for dipping
1 apple

4 oz chicken leg, no skin, baked
1 cup whole wheat pasta
4 Tbsp low-fat vinaigrette, 2 for marinade and 2 to toss with pasta (add extra vinegar, lemon juice or water as needed)
1 cup broccoli and 1 cup zucchini, steamed and tossed with pasta
8 oz. 1% milk

1 cup cantaloupe melon
1/4 cup cottage cheese OR 8 oz skim milk

Article source : http://www.weightloss.com/WeightLoss/samplemenu.html

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

A History Of Popular Diets That Worked

The Jenny Craig Diet
This diet is quite popular and a lot of people on that have found success in losing weight. The actual program was started in 1983. This diet program focuses a lot on your lifestyle and changing your relationship between food and your physical activity.
Jenny Craig is quite well known because they have released their own line of food products. These products are readily available at your local supermarket shelves. If you go to a JC dieting centre they have properly trained consultants that can provide you proper dieting advice over a private consultation. On the Jenny Craig diet you also have to come in for a weigh in which helps tremendously to keep you on track.
On the JC diet you get taught how to control your calories and portion your meals. An example, you may be allowed to eat as much is you want providing that each serve has only between 0 to 30 calories. To make it easier for you to diet you can even buy prepackaged meals labelled under the Jenny Craig name.
This diet is about teaching you how to evaluate food for its nutritional and weight loss properties. Did you know that certain fruits such as strawberries and watermelon can be very high in calories. However on the Jenny Craig diet you what taught how to portion these so that each serving his within 20 to 30 calories. This diet is very easy to follow as you can always buy readily available pre-portions snacks that help you count your calories without even thinking about it.
The Nutrisystem Diet
The Nutrisystem has been around even longer than the Jenny Craig diet. This company has been providing diet and weight loss solutions since the early 1970s. Originally they started out with their own line of liquid protein diets and just like Jenny Craig now offer portion controlled meals. By signing up to the Nutrisystem, you can have pre-portion meals sent to you for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
All meals on the Nutrisystem plan have been chosen specifically for their low glycaemic index. If you are on the Nutrisystem plan all you need to do is add some fresh fruits and vegetables to create a balanced daily meal plan. If you have a specific diet restriction such as being a diabetic or vegetarian, the Nutrisystem even has pre-customised menus for you.
Just like the Jenny Craig diet this diet is very popular for those that do not want to count calories. They also take the headache out of cooking your own portion controlled meals, it all gets delivered straight to your door.
Both the Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem diet are popular diets that work and can provide you with weight loss success because of their regulated diet plans and informational counselling. If you are looking to build your own diet plan that works find more advice and tips by visiting http://theweightlossacademy.net/
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Friday, November 9, 2012

Add These Foods To Your Diet For Weight Loss

Why do we eat? The most basic reason is hunger, however with the growing rate of obesity this shows us that people eat for more reasons than just hunger. People eat out of boredom, loneliness, hunger, or deprivation. All of which can lead to excessive overeating and added weight gain. By choosing the right foods to eat when you are actually hungry you can limit cravings to eat for these other reasons. Superfoods contain essential nutrients that the body needs to properly function. When the body is functioning optimally it will speed up your metabolism, boosting calorie burning, making it easier to lose weight. Superfoods contain fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, which play a role in how your body responds to calorie absorption and fat cells. Superfoods tend to be lower in calories and take the body longer to digest. This leaves you feeling fuller for longer, giving you less reasons to eat unneeded calories. They also provide the body with a steady flow of energy, keeping the metabolism working to burn more calories. By adding these foods into your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks you can lose weight and feel great.
Apples- Apples are great for weight loss. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Apples are low in calories, low in sodium and high in fiber, which keeps the body feeling full while providing a stable source of energy. The low sodium in apples helps to prevent excess water retention in the body, which can lead to higher weight on the scale. Apples nutrient content such as the enzymes it contains help to digest food more efficiently thereby eliminating unwanted fats from the body. Pectin one of the fibers in apples drains out cholesterol from the bloodstream thereby managing blood cholesterol levels. Apples fiber also helps to slow the absorption of carbohydrates, the foods most notably known to be stored in fat cells. Eating an apple a day can help to reduce the number of calories you consume per day.
Lentils- These small legumes pack a real big punch against weight gain. Lentils are high in folic acid, iron, magnesium, fiber and protein. Lentils are a low fat protein, which is a prefect substitute for meat. Plus their fiber content alone will satisfy hunger and reduce ones appetite. The soluble fiber in lentils lowers blood cholesterol by binding to bile. This forces the body to use cholesterol as a replacement, thereby stabilizing blood sugars. Lentils also contain resistant starch which shrinks fat cells; smaller fat cells means less fat.
Wild Salmon- Wild salmon as opposed to farm raised is recommended for weight loss because it's low in calories, low in saturated fat and high in protein. Protein is needed to build muscle and muscle burns more calories than fat, more muscle in the body more calories burned equals weight loss. Wild salmon also contains omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3's improve insulin sensitivity, helping the body build muscle and decrease belly fat. Omega 3's also alter gene expression meaning it acts like a light switch telling the body to burn fat rather than to store it.
Quinoa- Most people have no idea what quinoa is. Often categorized as a grain or a legume, it is low in calories high in essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber, and protein. Quinoa is actually a complete protein. It contains all the essential amino acids to build muscle. Plus its fiber content satisfies hunger, and keeps you felling full. Dietary fiber binds to fat and cholesterol so the body excretes it rather than absorbs it. The iron and vitamin B12 content helps to boost energy production, which is needed for weight loss. Quinoa's low glycemic index balances blood sugar making it easier for you to avoid temptation and diminish cravings.
Eggs- Although most people only eat them for breakfast, eggs are a great food for weight loss. High in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and proteins, eggs help to build muscle, which in turn helps to burn fat. Eggs also contain a compound called choline, which is needed for all cell function but also helps to block fat absorption. Eggs help to control hunger and foods cravings and will make you feel fuller for longer.
Yogurt- Yogurt is a healthy combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This combination staves off hunger by keeping blood sugar levels steady. Yogurt also contains a healthy dose of calcium. Calcium signals fat cells to stop pumping out cortisol. This lowers the production of cortisol, a hormone linked to belly fat. The protein in yogurt helps to burn fat and repair and rebuild muscle. The carbohydrates replace muscle energy stores so they don't get stored as fat.
Olive oil- Olive oil like salmon contain monounsaturated fats which switch gene expression on to fat burning. This enhances the body's ability to burn stored fats in the body. Using olive oil in meals increases satiety, taming appetite, decreasing the amount of food to make you feel full. It also is a natural anti-inflammatory, which decreases bad cholesterol without harming good cholesterol.
Kiwi- Although peculiar in size, shape, color and taste, this small fruit is loaded with nutrients. Kiwis are high in fiber, both soluble and insoluble, low in calories and high in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps form carnitine, which plays an essential role in burning fat. Kiwi's dietary fiber reduces cholesterol and fills you up suppressing the appetite. Its insoluble fiber aids in digestion, decreasing the time it takes for stool to be excreted. The soluble fiber provides bulk making you feel fuller. Even though it's small it provides the body with a powerful tool to combat weight gain.
Sweet Potatoes- Sweet potatoes unlike most other vegetables are higher in calorie content but are worth all of them. Sweet potatoes contain resistant starch, which produces compounds to signal to the brain to stop eating. The bulk in sweet potatoes fills the stomach so you feel full. Carotenoids in sweet potatoes stabilize blood sugar levels and lowers insulin resistance. When cells respond to insulin they can build muscle and reduce fat stored in the belly. Even though they are higher in calories its reasonable because they are fat free.
Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website! http://www.universalhealthinfo.com/Fat_Burning_Foods.html
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Three Effective Ways To Eliminate Man Boobs

Flax Oil
Adding flax oil to your diet is one of the best ways to help you get rid of man boobs. Doing much more than simply keeping you regular, it is going to help in burning off fat from the chest and other areas. You are also going to want to make sure that you are otherwise eating healthy, and this means fresh fruits and vegetables eaten in regular portions at regular times, and drinking lots of water.
If you are serious about ridding yourself of this embarrassing condition, then being careful and selective about what you eat is essential. Be committed to a diet that is healthy and consists of foods that will boost metabolism and help burn fat.
Anaerobic Exercises
If you really want to rid yourself of Gynecomastia, these exercises, or weight lifting exercises, are really going to be important for you to do with regularity. These are going to work to burn fat and tone your muscle, and the first exercise that you are going to want to focus on if you are trying to lose your man boobs is the incline bench press.
Remember that a greater amount of muscle mass in the upper chest is going to work to tighten some of the excess fat that you have around the nipples, and so you are really going to want to focus on being repetitive with this focused weight lifting exercise in particular. Maintain a good balance though so as not to develop muscle mass man boobs.
Herbal Supplements
There are a wide range of supplements available if you want to get rid of your man boobs. When considering which supplements to take to help get rid of your man boobs, invest the time in research before buying any of these products, because of course you don't want to waste your money and so you are going to want to ensure that you are getting only the very best in weight loss products of any sort.
Man boobs in adolescent boys is relatively common with the symptoms diminishing in most cases as adolescence gives way to the natural maturing process. However, for the remnant of men who remain burdened with man boobs, it can be a source of low self-image. Yet if you remain focused and dedicated to diet and exercise you should have no problems in getting rid of your man boobs, and in the process improve overall health.
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Are You Ready for Weight Loss Surgery?

Weight loss surgery is something that more and more Americans are turning to. The US is currently the fattest nation in the world and something has to be done about it. That's where weight loss procedures come in. But when it comes to these sorts of surgeries there are also a number of recovery options available, and it's these that must be taken into account.
Main Types of Surgery
• Lap Band
• Duodenal Switch
• Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
• Sleeve Gastrectomy
The Principles of Weight Loss Surgery
The principles of weight loss surgery are either reduction or bypassing. Reduction is the principle of reducing the size of the stomach. If the size of the stomach is reduced then that means it can hold less food and take in fewer calories. If it can do this then it will stop the person from eating as they will feel full much faster. That means they will be physically stopped from consuming more. Over time the stomach increases as surgery recovery commences, but not so much as to jeopardize the benefits that are gained from this.
Bypassing is another method that cuts down on consumption as it completely bypasses parts of the digestive system. This means that the energy and the calories are going directly into the digestive system and are not just sitting around doing nothing. It will cause the feeling of fullness to come much faster, and that's why those who undergo a surgery involving a bypass will find that they will lose weight.
Surgery Recovery
When it comes to one's recovery options much of them is just a case of waiting. Immediately after surgery there will almost certainly be some minor pain. This minor pain means will continue for a few days, however it will disappear after a while. Painkillers can be employed to help dull the throbbing.
Invasive procedures will generally involve a few days stay in a hospital with an extra few months to resume all normal activities. In many cases, a drip inserted directly into the body may need to be used to get those important nutrients into the body. The reason a drip is used is because the digestive system will most likely be too fragile to resume its normal function for the moment.
As for diet, this will vary depending on the procedure. It really depends on how invasive the procedure was and the type of procedure used. In the case of invasive surgeries the drip, as already mentioned, will be employed for the first few days. After this it will come down to liquid foods with a small amount of solids. Lap bands decrease the stomach size by so much that liquid food is the only way to actually eat as initially the pouch will be about the size of a walnut. Over time, as the body recovers, more and more solid foods will be implemented into the diet to help with recovery after weight loss surgery.
Having a slimmer body makes many aspects of your life easier and also improve your self esteem. Click here to look at some of the recovery options following surgery.
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