Someone asked me the other day how they should start and exercise routine and my answer was, "just start." Sounds kind of dumb right? Well, I think the simple approach is best. Let me explain. When I decided to start exercising and change my life, I was overwhelmed by all the products and information out there. It was almost to the point where I was so overwhelmed, I almost did nothing at all! Luckily, I just started! See, you don't need to "get more information" of wait to buy a gym membership or the latest version of P90 whatever. You just need to get your heart rate pumping for 30-45 minutes at 60%-80% max heart rate. That is pretty simple.
I find that in a lot of aspect of my life I fall into that trap of analysis paralysis. Over think so much that I really don't accomplish much. I guess maybe it is just old fashioned procrastination. Recently I was working on my website and doing some other things. In two days I had not really accomplished much but I WAS BUSY! I was busy doing busy work, not productive work. Why? Because I was bogged down in the details not focused on the end result. I had to keep my eye on the prize. That is why I believe goal setting and planning are so important. It keeps me on track.
This is the same thing with weight loss. We can easily lose focus. Once we lose focus it is easy to get off track and quit. Recently, I had a friend stop working out and was frustrated because he has gain weight back again and feel out of shape. He is depressed because it seems like all the work he has done is wasted. I understand how he feels. However, what is the alternative?? Sometimes we just have to suck it up and get back on track. Hopefully he can learn from this and stay focused. Sometimes people never come back and I think that is pretty sad. I don't think we have to kill ourselves but, just start." Have a goal and a plan. Follow the plan and never give up.
Can you believe 3 years ago I smoked? Yep, I did. It is such a bad habit and incredibly bad for you, but I was hooked. I was extremely addicted to nicotine. I had a friend that had quit smoking about a year before me and I sought her out for advice. I was READY to quit and knew it was so bad for me. So when I asked her how I should go about quitting or what tips she might have, she simply said "just quit.' Really?? If I could do that I would have do that a long time ago!! What she told me was I was looking for the magic answer or easier way. She told me there isn't one and I would have to be uncomfortable for a while but the payoff was great. Guess what, I quit that day and never smoked again.
So to answer the question of "how do I begin?' I just tell people to "just start." You and your body will be happy you did.
I have lost over 90 lbs and have kept if off for over 3 years. I can show you how I did it through diet and exercise. I have show hundreds how to lose weight and keep it off too. I will show you some secrets I have learned and how to get into the proper mind set. My passion is helping others. Stop wishing and get back into the game of life!
I will personally coach you and guide you through this process. I can be easy to get discouraged and frustrated. Let me help!
You can follow my blog at for helpful tips and advice. You can contact me at
If you want to find out exactly how I lost 90 lbs in 9 months, you can get my step by step report for free at
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