Thursday, November 29, 2012

Carbs, Bad Or Good For Losing Weight?

Most beginners get totally lost when it comes to carbohydrates. They are not sure whether they should cut them or keep them in order to maximize their weight-loss goals. It goes hand in hand to state that when you go on a diet, it means that you will be eating little to no carbs. However, what these people don't understand is that, while lowering the consumption of carbs is necessary when getting lean, the amount they end up cutting is way too much. It's astounding how many of my clients will come to me and ask how many carbs can they eat. To be absolutely honest with you, the answer would be to eat as many as you can while still managing to lose fat. How much is that? Well the answer is different for every person and you will need to find that sweet spot for yourself. The carb intake levels can be dramatically different from person to person; therefore, it is very difficult to give an exact number for everyone.
People are so fundamentally different that even if they were the same age, weight, height, and on the same training program, their nutritional approaches would vary significantly. Depending on their genetics and the way their body responds to certain exercises and foods varies greatly in terms of how they will look and feel in the end. How does this translate into carbs? Well some people can get lean and shredded from dieting on 50 - 100g of carbs while other can still get shredded on double that amount. However, one thing that remains constant is that, many beginners tend to cut their carb levels too short and suffer for it in the gym. What happens if you haven't had enough carbs is that you will begin to feel fatigued and drained. You will begin a workout feeling pumped and ready to lift some iron but shortly afterwards you will start feeling tired, dizzy, and drained, and the entire workout begins to slow down. In addition, what often happens with beginners, is that they notice extreme loses of weight in the beginning but begin to plateau after the first month. The reason for this is, you begin to run on empty fuel tanks. Think of carbs as fuel for your body, you need a certain amount for your body to run smoothly and if you don't give it that amount, it crashes, and it crashes HARD.
So remember, do your research before starting that cutting stage. Calculate the approximate amount of carbohydrates you will need to fuel your body through those intense workouts. Give it what it needs and it will perform spectacularly for you.
For more information on how to lose weight and pack on serious muscle visit,
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